Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Crunch Time

This is a hodge podge of stuff. (Don't you just marvel at the english language? Hodge Podge. hmm)
1. I am "large with child". Understatement I think. The looks I encounter range from disbelief to pity when people are informed that I have another 4 weeks.
2. I am frantically (well, pregnant frantic, which is kind of lumbering and disjointed, because I need to sit down) tying up the loose ends before Baby's arrival. There are many things that will need to be undone for a while. This includes, but is not limited to: a total clean out of the laundry room, sewing pajamas for the boys, taping, mudding and painting the stairs, one more lawn mow and weeding and mulching the strawberries(the weeds will probably protect them, right?). Much of what we are doing involves me instructing a child to pick things up, because the floor might as well be in Detroit or some other exotic location these days.
3. We made a trip to the hospital yesterday which obviously was a trial run. I woke around 5 to contractions that would not go away, finally gave in and got up at 6 and by 8 they were still strong and regular. By the time we had children delivered and I was hooked up to the non-stress test, they had subsided. I'm relieved and frustrated. So apprehensive about delivery. That's one of the problems with having children so close together, you remember the pain. Also it was a good moment to remember things like undershirts and clothes for the baby. It was on the list, but way down. Really must speak to my secretary.
4. Last week the library had the official opening of the Kid's Corner dedicated to Mom's memory. Becca cut the ribbon. Poor thing looked so sad, as though she was drowning kittens or something.
5. School is School Lite right now. Just focusing on the 3 r's and there's such a freedom in that.
6. My Mac is being fixed and good golly do I miss it. But hopefully it will come home with the ability to play and eject cd's and dvd's.

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