We are home. Sigh. Life is good. I am so sure of God's Goodness today even though there's so much around me that is hard. Work is slow, money is tight. Our sewer backed up and I had to bleach the floor after Justin snaked it. I have tonnes of things I should be doing, but right now I am reveling in the gentle mumbling of Mark as he skootches on his bum around the house; in the sound of my big boys inventing all sorts of games outside; in the feel of this wee babe in my womb squirm around; in the thought of my full freezer and pantry.
I am filled with compassion and empathy for families who are missing someone today; for those who have no work; for those who's larders are empty; for those who do not love the life that nestles inside them. Thank you God. Please help me remember this on the days where it's hard.
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