Saturday, November 17, 2007

Things I Won't Do For Money

The other day, as I was plucking some disgusting item off of the garbage can, it occurred to me that there are things that I would not do if people paid me. These things include :
  1. Changing poopy bums.
  2. Scraping a sample of the above into a small receptacle and delivering sample to the doctor.
  3. Cleaning up vomit.
  4. Cleaning up vomit or otherwise soiled bedding in the middle of the night and offering comfort and a smile.
  5. Sharing my bed with a rotating number of people who snore, punch, kick, push, drool or leak.
  6. Clean up "mystery" messes.

I can't imagine the circumstances that would induce me to perform the above for money. I will, however, do them for love. Occasionally, I even get a gooey kiss and hug out of it. There is nothing quite like a snuggle from some wee warm body who thinks you can fix everything, to put it all into perspective.


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