Friday, September 18, 2009

This and That and Gratitude

We are back from holidays.  We spent a couple of days in Drumheller where we saw more reptiles than I care to count, both living and extinct.  From there we went to Medicine Hat and visited with Justin's family and left our girl behind for some one on one time with Grandma.
We are home.  Sigh.  Life is good.  I am so sure of God's Goodness today even though there's so much around me that is hard.  Work is slow, money is tight.  Our sewer backed up and I had to bleach the floor after Justin snaked it.  I have tonnes of things I should be doing, but right now I am reveling in the gentle mumbling of Mark as he skootches on his bum around the house; in the sound of my big boys inventing all sorts of games outside; in the feel of this wee babe in my womb squirm around; in the thought of my full freezer and pantry.  
I am filled with compassion and empathy for families who are missing someone today; for those who have no work; for those who's larders are empty; for those who do not love the life that nestles inside them.  Thank you God.  Please help me remember this on the days where it's hard.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Service Around Here

Two year old with cloth over arm, pad and pen in hand:
"Whatcha you want eat?  Why you no want eat?"

Small Successes

1.  I canned dill cucumber pickles, peaches, beets, antipasto relish and bruschetta.  I made raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, and cherry jams and I froze 26 cups of saskatoons, with which to make syrup later.
2. I cleaned out my cold room.  A project I'd been procrastinating on, but with the hot weather, seemed like there would be no better time to do it.  It is so nice to walk into now!
3.  Took one poorly leash trained 94lb bundle of muscles and enthusiasm to the vet for her shots.
Bonus, we started school and all of this happened around that.  God is so good.